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Surprising email prospecting body copy A/B test

When done right, email prospecting is a powerful way to reach a highly targeted decision maker. But the right contacts are for naught unless you get your messaging right.

We recently ran a test with Ditto Labs, a remarkable social media image recognition technology for marketers, that was eye-opening.

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Why eye-opening?

The version on the right (the longer version) won … and not by a little. It had a 61% higher CTR and 119% higher conversion to scheduled meetings.

Typically, brevity and concision win in early-touch communications, the theory being that you only have a few seconds to catch someone’s attention. Especially in landing page a/b testing, bullet points punctuated by a powerful headline and CTA are often the winning messaging approach. But I think the version on the right did a few things particularly well:

1. The use of BOLD calls attention to the core question: Are you listening for mentions of your brand in images?

2. This version has impressive statistics to validate the value proposition.

3. The last full paragraph gives details about the ask, including the length and subject matter. It takes this out of the realm of nebulous and makes it actionable.

4. The winning version doesn’t need to mention who the tool is for because we already targeted by these criteria in who we sent to.

Due to lower engagement volume, it can be challenging to gather sufficient data for body copy a/b tests, but this test was conclusive and statistically relevant. Ditto is an awesome image recognition technology dedicated to discovering how to reach marketers effectively and bring them maximum value.