A blog about smart marketing and conversion optimization.

2 Minutes of Truth with Rand Fishkin

Rand Fishkin is an icon in the online marketing world which, if you’re reading this, you probably already know.

In January, Rand was generous enough to let me interview him to get some more context behind an email he wrote to Moz customers that said:

“I know you likely encountered some bugs and hiccups, and I wanted to express apologies for those issues and gratitude for being an early adopter. We’re already making big improvements basedRead more…

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Rand Fishkin is an icon in the online marketing world which, if you’re reading this, you probably already know.

In January, Rand was generous enough to let me interview him to get some more context behind an email he wrote to Moz customers that said:

“I know you likely encountered some bugs and hiccups, and I wanted to express apologies for those issues and gratitude for being an early adopter. We’re already making big improvements based on your feedback.”

I knew he was a thoughtful, multi-dimensional, talented guy, but I had no idea just how remarkably honest and open he is about … everything.

I’ve distilled our 20 minute interview down to 2 minutes that touches on a huge variety of topics. Rand is remarkably frank about his self-deprecation, how his marriage is what sustains him through the tough times, comparing his commitment to building a long-term business to other entrepreneurs’ quick wins and how the huge Internet players are taking data from little guys and selling it to the largest advertisers.

One point in particular, which comes at the end of the video, really stuck with me this year.

The great products have a single architect behind them. The ones that have struggled have many fingers in the pot.

My take-away: don’t hide behind others’ opinions. Be a leader.

In January, I’ll post Rand’s 1-year-later follow-up take.

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4 new Google Analytics features the pros are already using

This summer, Google Analytics released some new features. You’re as much of an analytics pro as the next guy — or, the next guy reading the Zebo blog, at least — so you should know what the new bells and whistles are all about. Some of them are API changes that’ll mostly be relevant to large agencies and power users, but there’s also the Chrome Extension, which is handy. Read on to learnRead more…

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This summer, Google Analytics released some new features. You’re as much of an analytics pro as the next guy — or, the next guy reading the Zebo blog, at least — so you should know what the new bells and whistles are all about. Some of them are API changes that’ll mostly be relevant to large agencies and power users, but there’s also the Chrome Extension, which is handy. Read on to learn more.

Chrome extension makes in-page analytics more convenient

If it was cumbersome to study in-page analytics before, Google has made it simpler with their new Chrome extension.

Load up the free extension, and now, when you visit a site whose analytics account you’re logged into, you can see your metrics dashboard and an overlay of who’s clicking where.

You can add the in-page analytics Chrome extension here.

Data import feature lets you bring together multiple business systems

When you run a complex business, the website and its analytics are often just one part of the picture. A few examples of things you can do with data import:

  • Upload inventory data and tie it into website analytics
  • Import cost data from advertising networks
  • Upload values after a transaction happens, like total customer spend, last purchase date or a loyalty score

Here’s how you get started with data import for Google Analytics.

Google Analytics Premium customers benefit from DoubleClick integration

If you’re running display ads via DoubleClick, this integration is exciting because it empowers you to go deeper than the run-of-the-mill last-click attribution that tends to obscure the role of display advertising in your conversion funnel.

The new reports available will allow you to get a more holistic picture of how display factors into your customer’s path to purchase.

3 new APIs to simplify analytics for large businesses

Embed API

This API is meant for creating custom dashboards in your own applications, as in the example below.

AdWords linking API

If you’ve been an SEM manager of any kind, you probably know you can link analytics and AdWords. You’ve also probably been in a situation where a simple link / unlink function isn’t enough, especially when multiple advertising accounts and analytics profiles enter the picture.

AdWords Links in the Management API allows you to get, list, create, update and delete links between Google AdWords accounts and Google Analytics properties and manage which views (profiles) to populate with AdWords data.

Provisioning API

This API lets you programmatically create new analytics accounts. It’s intended for service providers with many clients to be able to quickly and automatically create GA instances, and it’s available by invite only.

Now you’re clued in. So tweet this post and get back to work!

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The Zebo Report: 3rd quarter, 2014

We’ve been busy building massive success for our clients. Here are a few highlights.

CZ horn tooting (3)Read more…

We’ve been busy building massive success for our clients. Here are a few highlights.

CZ horn tooting (3)

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